Erin Spahr (she/her) Erin Spahr (she/her)

Friends in the Fertility Trenches: How to Find and Nurture Supportive Relationships

Navigating the journey of fertility can be an emotional rollercoaster filled with hope, uncertainty, and a mix of highs and lows. During this challenging time, having a network of supportive relationships can make a world of difference. Whether it’s leaning on your partner, finding friends who understand, or building a community that truly sees you, cultivating these connections can help you feel less alone and more empowered. Here’s how to find and nurture those relationships in a way that supports your well-being.

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Erin Spahr (she/her) Erin Spahr (she/her)

Interviewing Your Provider: Finding the Right Fit for Your Perinatal Journey

Selecting a provider to support you through the transformative stages of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is one of the most crucial decisions you can make. Whether you’re seeking a therapist, doula, lactation consultant, or any other perinatal professional, finding someone who aligns with your values, needs, and vision is essential. This process can feel overwhelming, especially when you're already navigating the physical, emotional, and mental challenges of this time. That’s why it’s important to approach the search with intention, ensuring that your provider is the best fit for you and your family.

Here’s a guide to help you interview potential providers to determine if they’re the right match for your unique journey.

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Erin Spahr (she/her) Erin Spahr (she/her)

Acknowledging Mom Guilt and Pressure: How Inclusive Coaches Help Mothers Delegate and Thrive

Motherhood is a profound journey filled with joy, love, and fulfillment, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges, including pervasive feelings of guilt and societal pressures. Many of us call this feeling "mom guilt," a phenomenon where self-doubt and inadequacy arise as mothers strive to meet both personal and societal expectations.

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Sharon Itkoff Nacache (she/hers) Sharon Itkoff Nacache (she/hers)

Caregiver Burnout: Empowering Caregivers Through Art As Therapy

As caregivers we already wear too many hats to meet all household or workplace demands–administrative assistant, cheerleader, chef, housekeeper, chauffeur, financial planner, etc. etc. That’s part of our multitasking superpower. But these roles get strained, fatigued, overworked.

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Erin Spahr (she/her) Erin Spahr (she/her)

Supporting Mothers with Perinatal Mood Disorders: The Vital Role of Affirming Lactation Consultants in Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Success

Perinatal mood disorders encompass a range of emotional and mental health issues that occur during pregnancy and the postpartum period. These can include depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The prevalence of PMDs highlights the need for comprehensive support systems for new mothers. Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding, while beneficial for both mother and baby, can sometimes exacerbate feelings of anxiety and depression if not adequately supported.

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Pro-Choice, Doula Erin Spahr (she/her) Pro-Choice, Doula Erin Spahr (she/her)

Your Choices Matter: Embracing Past and Present Pregnancy Decisions with a Doula's Help

When it comes to reproductive health, everyone’s journey is unique, filled with its own set of decisions and experiences. The role of a pro-choice doula is to provide non-judgmental support for all pregnancy outcomes, including abortion, adoption, and parenting. A pro-choice doula is inclusive of all. They respect and affirm each individual’s right to make decisions about their own body and future.

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Erin Spahr (she/her) Erin Spahr (she/her)

Why Create an Inclusive Provider Directory?

I've been sharing my approach to working with mothers on my social media page, Feminist Mom Therapist, for a few years now. In therapy, I believe it's crucial to use not only a psychological lens but also a systemic one. Our thoughts and feelings are shaped not only by our personalities, life experiences, and family of origin but also by the broader political and societal context. This perspective is particularly important when working with mothers because of how undersupported mothers are in our society.

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