Why Create an Inclusive Provider Directory?

I've been sharing my approach to working with mothers on my social media page, Feminist Mom Therapist, for a few years now. In therapy, I believe it's crucial to use not only a psychological lens but also a systemic one. Our thoughts and feelings are shaped not only by our personalities, life experiences, and family of origin but also by the broader political and societal context. This perspective is particularly important when working with mothers because of how undersupported mothers are in our society.

For years, the framing of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders has emphasized the impact of significant hormonal shifts that perinatal individuals experience. While I acknowledge the substantial influence of biological factors on perinatal mental health, a decade of working with pregnant and postpartum mothers has made it clear that societal forces, especially the patriarchy, play a significant role in maternal suffering.

There is potential harm when providers lack a systemic lens. For instance, couples counselors can inadvertently reinforce harmful gender roles if they are unaware of the disproportionate mental load and domestic labor often borne by mothers. Couples facing fertility challenges or those experiencing an unwanted pregnancy are particularly vulnerable, especially as states roll back reproductive rights and attempt to criminalize abortion and IVF. The LGBTQIA community and Black and Indigenous families are also navigating a political climate that has emboldened bigotry. Providers who are not attuned to the impact of systemic oppression are likely to miss critical information necessary for effectively treating these marginalized populations and can even do further harm.

Screenshot from the Inclusive Provider Directory

This directory is my attempt to help new mothers and families find providers who have identified themselves as inclusive and anti-oppression. Allied groups that are represented in the directory include the following:

  • Anti-racism allied

  • Disability Affirming

  • Feminist

  • Health At Every Size (HAES) Affirming

  • LGBTQIA+ Affirming

  • Neurodivergent Affirming

  • Poly/Kink Affirming

  • Pro-Choice

It is my hope that all families will be able to find a team of supportive and identity-affirming providers and that this directory will help them do that. I also hope to help connect providers with education, community and other resources to help them create more inclusive practices.

If you are a provider who is interested in becoming a member, learn more about membership benefits here.

If you are looking for a provider, whether that be a mental health therapist, a doula, physical therapist, or countless other specialties search the directory here.

Erin Spahr (she/her)

Erin Spahr is a licensed therapist, mother, intersectional feminist, podcast host, and maternal mental health advocate. Erin uses a feminist lens in her work with mothers and strives to help mothers free themselves from oppressive societal expectations and find more self-confidence and self-compassion.

She hosts the Feminist Mom Podcast where she discusses the intersection of feminism and motherhood with inspiring guests. Erin recently launched the Inclusive Provider Directory, a directory that serves as a vital link connecting mothers, birthing individuals, and families in the United States and Canada with perinatal providers who prioritize inclusivity and identity-affirming care.

Erin sees clients in her private practice (available to folks in North Carolina and Maryland). She lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with her husband and two kids.


Your Choices Matter: Embracing Past and Present Pregnancy Decisions with a Doula's Help